Thursday, January 23, 2014

Perplexed by tai chi

Ok, ok, I HAVE been exercising. I just have not been posting a daily schedule. And I have been going to tai chi on a regular basis. But I no longer instruct the tai chi class because my ability to do the tai chi moves correctly has become unpredictable. I don't really understand why, but doing tai chi seems to bring on my symptoms. I will begin a set feeling fine with meds working well. Then as I move through the set I become increasingly unbalanced and may even have moments of freezing. It is very discouraging, but I must remember the "I can live with this." There is still so much that I can do and for that I am grateful.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy New Year!

The New Year is already ten days old and I am finally getting around to posting on this blog. Perhaps I should make a resolution to post more often! I am exercising -- I promise! I am just not reflecting much. But my first yoga class after the holidays yesterday gave me something to think about. There were two folks new to the class. Most likely they had each made a New Years resolution to exercise more. One seemed to find the class difficult and near the end endured a period of significant wearing-off. It seemed to upset her. Now, of course, everyone has his or her own feelings and you can't apologize for your feelings; they just are. But I have found it much more productive not to get upset over a demonstration of my symptoms.  Getting upset doesn't get me anywhere. And the problem generally happens in front of people who understand -- or else who don't notice! Either way it is OK! (I do still feel a bit embarrassed but not upset.) It is more comfortable than trying to hide the symptoms.

So . . . let me know if anyone else feels the same way -- or not. Thanks for reading.