Yesterday my husband and I seized the opportunity to get outside. After weeks of subfreezing temperatures, together with lots of snow that would not go away, we had a sunny day with temps in the upper 50s. It was too wet for the woods, but we covered 5 miles in the beautiful Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum. It felt good.
I would have expected to feel like someone raised from the dead, having not done any outdoor exercise in weeks. But, wait! I may not have exercised, but that doesn't mean I was not active. Snow shoveling! I did a LOT of that. And got a lot of exercise doing it. So see if you can find ways to build exercise into your everyday activities. You may need to up the intensity, but lots of
yard work and house work can be very active. So keep moving!
I would have expected to feel like someone raised from the dead, having not done any outdoor exercise in weeks. But, wait! I may not have exercised, but that doesn't mean I was not active. Snow shoveling! I did a LOT of that. And got a lot of exercise doing it. So see if you can find ways to build exercise into your everyday activities. You may need to up the intensity, but lots of
yard work and house work can be very active. So keep moving!