Friday, August 22, 2014


I have been on cinnamon for about a month. Yes, I have been "dosing" myself with 1/2 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon 3 times daily for over four weeks. And I am doing well. But I don't think it is the cinnamon.

I don't notice a specific improvement. It is just that my medication "on time" is smoother with almost no wearing-off. And my dyskinesias are less common as well. So I almost feel like I don't have Parkinson's at all. And I could live like this for a long time.

Well, I think I will get to do that because this time the stress relief that is allowing my PD to fade into the background is much longer lasting. It is a strategy that many people have tried and have benefited from, a technique that can cure even workaholics if they will let it work its magic. It is called retirement.