First of all, I had a request to change the comment settings to make it easier to make a comment and that is now done. So say something, y'all!
Last time I wrote of training to one's deficits. Deficit #1 is gait. My gait is difficult. It often feels like I am walking through a foot of snow. My feet feel heavy and awkward and I have to concentrate to make each step more than a shuffle. It is better when my meds are on, but still difficult. PWPs commonly complain of these issues and gait is probably my most common difficulty. How do I work on it? Any walking practice, whether on treadmill, on city streets, on hiking trails, with or without poles, can be useful. However to be useful I must take large steps. My Alexander Technique teacher asked me to note the difference between taking smaller steps and larger steps, so I paid close attention and found that the larger steps required that I reach out from my hips. So I think, "Reach out from my hips!" With each step. Which is exhausting.
I worked on the treadmill yesterday, danced and worked out with my trainer Jourdan. Enough for one day
Hi Elizabeth! Loving your posts...seeing if my comment will stick!