First of all, you should know that I have a long list of topics that need to be addressed here so each post will include a ramble into one of them, as well as any necessary personal update. This morning I went to my gym, did mixed cardio and really pushed myself. However I still felt my meds were off during tai chi this afternoon, making this a not so good day. I think tai chi is just too demanding on my balance. But I will persist because......(direct lead-in to......)
Topic for today: training to one's deficits. It used to be that when people with Parkinson's (or any disability) exercised, they were admonished to avoid what was difficult. Multitasking is hard for PWPs so don't make them do more than one thing at a time. Newer advice is that you should face your deficits square on. Handwriting difficult? Work on fine motor skills. Walking difficult? Do gait drills? This principle can help each PWP figure our his or her own best workout ... Work on what is hardest! (Easier said than done.) so what are my deficits? Next time. . .
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