Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 3

I am going to have to think of more original titles of these posts. So what has inspired me to start this journal? For someone diagnosed 15 years ago with PD, I am remarkably high functioning. I firmly believe that this is due to the exercise regimen I attempt to adhere to. I started exercising more and more -- 3 hours a week in 2000, 5 hours in 2006, 9 hours in around 12 maybe.....I lose track! What I have learned is that exercise is my key to living Parkinson's. and figuring out what the best combination of exercises is for me was my goal of the 2013 PWR! train, a PD boot camp by Becky Farley, th guru of PD exercise, held in Phoenix last week. My physical herapist for the week Claire McLean (who is totally awesome) suggested a blog to help my motivation. So to those of you following me, thanks for helping by providing some accountability.

Today I went to the gym, did the flow and the PWRstanding routine, 40 minutes of mixed cardio (around the track once, medicine all squats, step-ups, stair climber, stationary bike and treadmill -- focusing n intervals, then 10 minutes of stretching. Will explain what this all means as we go along. But this afternoon I danced (dance for pd class) and worked out with Jourdan ( personal trainer) as well as walking to the Chirch and back. Daily total about 3.5 hours!

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