Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Deficit #3: Amplitude

Another deficit in Parkinson's is amplitude. This means the PWP takes smaller steps and in general makes smaller movements than the normal average. In many cases the movements are of a smaller range than is necessary or appropriate or even safe. Somehow the kinesthetic sense that tells people how big their movements are is askew in PWPs, which means that we don't  realize or sense that our movements are small. To work on amplitude problems, we ned to practice taking big steps and using big arm motions. What feels huge to us is actually just big enough . . . usually. So put something on the floor to mark a BIG step or step over a doormat, etc. I have to think with every step ,"Big steps, big steps."

By the way the amplitude problem  applies to voice volume, too. Bu that is for another day. Keep moving and share the blog with someone you know. And comment!

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